Who has heard of Germany's protected areas?
There are 16 national parks (Jasmund, Vorpommer`sche Boddenlandschaft, Unteres Odertal, three on the Wadden Sea, Eifel, Müritz, Harz, Hunsrück, Elbsandstein, Kellerwald-Edersee, Hainich, Black Forest, Bavarian Forest, Berchtesgaden and Königsee area). I have travelled to and photographed all of these and many more natural treasures in all seasons over the past decades.
What types of landscapes are there in our country: shingle and sandy coasts on the North and Baltic Seas, wetlands and heaths on the Müritz and in the Lüneburg Heath, ancient beeches and oaks on Lake Edersee, deep rocky valleys in the Eifel and Saxon Switzerland, deep mountain spruce forests in the Bavarian Forest and high mountains in southern Bavaria.
All rich and diverse landscapes with their typical animals and plants.
I have photographed several illustrated books about these experiences, which have been published by Tecklenborg Verlag and National Geographic Germany.